Neonatal Health Services

My passion is helping the neonatology community address social care with the same vigor as medical care, as this is the key way we will achieve health equity and further promote the long-term health and well-being of preterm infants and their families.”

Addressing Disparities in Neonatal Care Delivery

Infants born preterm represent a highly vulnerable pediatric population with tremendous medical and social risk – making disparities in neonatal care delivery essential to child health equity.

Approximately 10% of infants in the U.S. are born prematurely, and prematurity rates have increased in recent years. Preterm birth is the leading cause of childhood mortality and is associated with chronic medical and developmental disabilities. 

Income and racial disparities in preterm birth persist — along with disparities in preterm infants’ morbidity, mortality, and quality of care.

Disparities include racism (e.g., structural, personally mediated, and internalized), unfavorable environmental exposures, and adverse social determinants of health, which are highly prevalent among families with infants hospitalized in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). 

The Neonatal Health Services work of Meg Parker, MD, MPH focuses on identifying and developing interventions to address disparities in neonatal care delivery. 

Ongoing Projects Addressing Neonatal Care Disparities

Closeup portrait of mother feeding newborn baby by milk bottle

Study of Attitudes and Factors Affecting PREterm Infant Care Practices (SAFE PREP)

Despite the higher risk of sudden unexpected infant death (SUID) among preterm infants and extended opportunities for health-related education, adherence to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommended infant care practice is suboptimal. This study will identify SUID-reducing infant care practices and characterize barriers to and facilitators of adherence among mothers of preterm infants. The results of this study will fill a critical knowledge gap that will inform interventions to reduce SUID mortality among this vulnerable population.

Mother’s Milk for Very Low Birth Weight Infants: A National Quality Improvement Approach

This initiative is focused on racial and ethnic disparities in breastfeeding among very low birth weight infants in the southwestern U.S. and also includes a family engagement pilot project in Massachusetts.

Improving Caregiver Adherence to Recommended Infant Care Practices

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) is the most common cause of infant mortality beyond the neonatal period. Adherence to safe infant sleep practices has been proven to reduce the risk of SIDS. This study is a four-arm randomized control trial of text message delivery education on infant care practices during pregnancy and post-discharge among low-income mothers.

SUID-Reducing Infant Care Practices Among Opioid-Exposed Newborns

This pilot study seeks to understand the experiences of mothers with opioid use disorder in adhering to AAP-recommended infant care practices.

Leveraging Trusted Peer Lactation Counselors to Provide Social Determinants of Health Navigation in the NICU

This is a study of dual peer lactation and social determinants of health screening and referral navigation providers in the NICU.

Newborn looking deep in thought
Syringes from the IV syringe through the newborn's ankle catheter

Development and Dissemination of Multicultural and Bilingual Family Education Videos on AAP-Recommended Practices for High-Risk Infants

The goal of this project is to develop educational videos focused on AAP-recommended discharge processes for families with high-risk infants in U.S. NICUs and disseminate the processes on a national level.

Massachusetts Perinatal Neonatal Quality Improvement Network (PNQIN)

This is a quality improvement collaborative that aims to improve perinatal health in      Massachusetts.

Achieving Systemic Equity in Breast Pump Access for Mothers with Very Low Birth Weight Infants in NICUs in New Orleans

This is a multisite implementation study with the goal of improving breast pump access.

VIGOR: Virtual Genome Center for Infant Health

Through the creation of a virtual genome center (VIGOR), this study aims to achieve equitable access to state-of-the-art genomic medical care for sick newborns in community centers that predominantly care for low-income and racial/ethnic minority populations. VIGOR will provide a venue for physician and family education, genomic expert consultation, reanalysis of unsolved sequencing data, and access to cutting-edge therapeutic innovation.

Substantial racial disparities persist in sleep-related infant deaths. Many of the risk factors for these deaths can be modified by changes in parental practices, particularly with regard to sleep and feeding. This proposed study’s overall purpose is to test an intervention strategy that uses online social networks to change social norms regarding infant sleep and breastfeeding. We anticipate that impacting the social network will lead to improvements in safe sleep and breastfeeding practices, which in turn may lead to a significant reduction in the incidence of sleep-related deaths, particularly in Black infants.

Cute baby newborn in a germ disinfection in a modern hospital.
A newborn baby's feet in the neonatal unit in hospital

Implementing a Social Determinants of Health Screening and Referral Care Model in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit

Although pediatric professional guidelines recommend screening for social determinants of health as a central way to promote patient and population health, most screening and referral efforts occur in the outpatient clinical setting. This study will implement the established social determinants of health screening and referral intervention WE CARE into U.S. safety-net neonatal intensive care units to 1) examine implementation feasibility; 2) assess its impact on receipt of community resources among low-income families; and 3) explore its effect on maternal and child health outcomes.

Financial Support to Low-Income Mothers of Preterm Infants

This study is testing the hypothesis that low-income mothers do not have access to crucial caregiving behaviors linked to improving preterm infant health and development because the acute financial stress faced after preterm birth limits their ability to visit the hospital. The team will study the effects of making financial transfers of $160 per week for low-income mothers with preterm infants versus a control group.

Interested in helping Child Health Equity Center improve outcomes for neonates and their families?

This is a multisite implementation study with the goal of improving breast pump access.

Neonatal Care Project Timeline


Study of Attitudes and Factors Affecting PREterm infant care Practices (SAFE PREP) National study of ~1500 mother-infant dyads, designed to assess the national prevalence of adherence to AAP-recommended infant care practices (e.g., safe sleep, feeding, not smoking) among mothers of preterm infants and the array of factors impacting maternal adherence.2007


Mother’s Milk for Very Low Birth Weight Infants: A National Quality Improvement Approach  Statewide perinatal quality improvement initiatives focused on racial and ethnic disparities in breastfeeding among very low birth weight infants in the southwestern U.S., and a Massachusetts family engagement statewide pilot project in NICUs and special care nurseries.2007


Improving Care Giver Adherence to Recommended Infant Care Practices Four-arm randomized control trial of text message delivery education on infant care practices during pregnancy and post-discharge among low-income mothers.2007


SUID-Reducing Infant Care Practices Among Opioid-Exposed Newborns                           Pilot study to understand the experiences of mothers with opioid use disorder in adhering to AAP-recommended infant care practices.2007


Leveraging Trusted Peer Lactation Counselors to Provide Social Determinants of Health Navigation in the NICU                                       Implementation study of a dual peer lactation and social determinants of health screening and referral navigation provider in the NICU.2007


Development and Dissemination of Multicultural and Bilingual Family Education Videos on AAP-Recommended Practices for High-Risk Infants Project to develop educational videos focused on AAP-recommended discharge processes for families with high-risk infants in U.S. NICUs and disseminate on a national level.2007


MA Perinatal Neonatal Quality Improvement Network (PNQIN)  Multisite quality improvement collaborative that aims to improve perinatal health in        Massachusetts.2007


Achieving Systemic Equity in Breast Pump Access for Mothers with Very Low Birth Weight infants in NICUs in New Orleans  Multisite implementation study to improve breast pump access.2007


VIGOR: Virtual Genome Center for Infant Health Implementation study of a virtual genome center for newborns cared for at four safety-net NICUs in the Northeast.2007


Implementing a Social Determinants of Health Screening and Referral Care Model in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit  WE CARE expansion to NICUs across the U.S.2007


Financial Support to Low-Income Mothers of Preterm Infants   Randomized controlled trial of cash transfers for low-income mothers of hospitalized preterm infants. 2007
Close up of Mother holding hands newborn baby.
Newborn infant baby getting his first bath in the hospital. Cute little boy is bundled up and receiving a sponge bath by a nurse in his hospital room

Erin Meyer, MD (He/Him)

Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Attending in Pediatric Emergency Medicine

Dr. Meyer is Assistant Professor of Pediatrics at UMass Chan Medical School and a nocturnist attending in the UMass Pediatric Emergency Room. Dr. Meyer is an early career investigator who is using mixed methods research and implementation science to reduce health inequities for children with acute neurologic conditions such as concussion. Dr. Meyer is also a research leader in the UMass Division of Pediatric Emergency Medicine (PEM) where he directs a research educational curriculum for PEM fellows, supports and mentors PEM fellow research projects, and he serves as the UMass site champion for the nationwide Pediatric Emergency Medicine Collaborative Research Committee.
Erin_traumabay (1)

Erin Meyer, MD (He/Him)

Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Attending in Pediatric Emergency Medicine

Dr. Meyer is Assistant Professor of Pediatrics at UMass Chan Medical School and a nocturnist attending in the UMass Pediatric Emergency Room. Dr. Meyer is an early career investigator who is using mixed methods research and implementation science to reduce health inequities for children with acute neurologic conditions such as concussion. Dr. Meyer is also a research leader in the UMass Division of Pediatric Emergency Medicine (PEM) where he directs a research educational curriculum for PEM fellows, supports and mentors PEM fellow research projects, and he serves as the UMass site champion for the nationwide Pediatric Emergency Medicine Collaborative Research Committee.

Nikita S Kalluri, MD MPH (She/Her)

Assistant Professor of Pediatrics/Neonatologist

Nikita Kalluri, MD MPH is an Assistant Professor of Pediatrics at UMass Chan Medical School and an attending neonatologist at UMass Memorial Children’s Medical Center. Dr. Kalluri is a neonatal health services researcher, and her work is centered around perinatal health equity, especially as it pertains to family-provider communication. She has received national research awards from the Academic Pediatric Association and the Society of Pediatric Research, as well as training grants from the American Academy of Pediatrics and Academic Pediatric Association to support her work evaluating disparities in NICU bedside communication. She has also investigated the role of social disparities such as maternal race, ethnicity, and primary language, on neonatal outcomes and family experience.

Nikita S Kalluri, MD MPH (she/her)

Assistant Professor of Pediatrics/Neonatologist

Nikita Kalluri, MD MPH is an Assistant Professor of Pediatrics at UMass Chan Medical School and an attending neonatologist at UMass Memorial Children’s Medical Center. Dr. Kalluri is a neonatal health services researcher, and her work is centered around perinatal health equity, especially as it pertains to family-provider communication. She has received national research awards from the Academic Pediatric Association and the Society of Pediatric Research, as well as training grants from the American Academy of Pediatrics and Academic Pediatric Association to support her work evaluating disparities in NICU bedside communication. She has also investigated the role of social disparities such as maternal race, ethnicity, and primary language, on neonatal outcomes and family experience.

April Perez-Moore, DO (she/her)

Assistant Professor of Pediatrics

April Perez-Moore, DO is a pediatrician and clinician-scientist who studies the social and relational risks of preterm infant development. She is an Assistant Professor of Pediatrics at UMass Chan Medical School and affiliated faculty member of the Eunice Kennedy Shriver Center. Dr. Perez-Moore also directs the NICU follow-up / SHINE (Supporting Healthy Infant Neurodevelopmental Experiences) Clinic at the UMass Memorial Children’s Medical Center. Her clinical and research work focus on promotion of early relational health for mother-preterm infant dyads and intervention to foster social-emotional development in the high-risk preterm population.
April Perez-Moore

April Perez-Moore, DO (she/her)

Assistant Professor of Pediatrics

April Perez-Moore, DO is a pediatrician and clinician-scientist who studies the social and relational risks of preterm infant development. She is an Assistant Professor of Pediatrics at UMass Chan Medical School and affiliated faculty member of the Eunice Kennedy Shriver Center. Dr. Perez-Moore also directs the NICU follow-up / SHINE (Supporting Healthy Infant Neurodevelopmental Experiences) Clinic at the UMass Memorial Children’s Medical Center. Her clinical and research work focus on promotion of early relational health for mother-preterm infant dyads and intervention to foster social-emotional development in the high-risk preterm population.

Rani Jones, BS (She/Her)

Project Coordinator

Rani Jones is the current Project Coordinator for the Child Health Equity Center. She graduated from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) in 2023 with her B.S. in Biochemistry and Biophysics, and a minor in Behavioral and Cognitive Neuroscience. During her time as an undergraduate, she spent a lot of time volunteering with children in the New York capital region. She is very interested in public health and plans to continue her education at RPI to pursue her Ph.D. in Biochemistry and Biophysics in the Fall.

Rani Jones, BS (She/Her)

Project Coordinator

Rani Jones is the current Project Coordinator for the Child Health Equity Center. She graduated from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) in 2023 with her B.S. in Biochemistry and Biophysics, and a minor in Behavioral and Cognitive Neuroscience. During her time as an undergraduate, she spent a lot of time volunteering with children in the New York capital region. She is very interested in public health and plans to continue her education at RPI to pursue her Ph.D. in Biochemistry and Biophysics in the Fall.

Maia Archer, BA (She/Her)

Career path intern

Maia Archer graduated from Boston University with her B.A. in Biology, double minoring in French and Public Health. She is an intern for the Child Health Equity Center primarily assisting with the Pilot Lyft Transportation Program and Food is Medicine Program. Maia will be continuing her academic journey at George Washington University to receive her Masters in Public Health with a concentration in Health Promotion.

Child Health Equity Center

Maia Archer, BA (She/Her)

Career PATH Intern

Maia Archer graduated from Boston University with her B.A. in Biology, double minoring in French and Public Health. She is an intern for the Child Health Equity Center primarily assisting with the Pilot Lyft Transportation Program and Food is Medicine Program. Maia will be continuing her academic journey at George Washington University to receive her Masters in Public Health with a concentration in Health Promotion.

Monick Powell, C-TAGME (She/Her)

Fellowship Coordinator

Monick Powell, C-TAGME, is the Pediatric Training Program Coordinator at UMass Chan Medical School and UMass Memorial Children’s Medical Center. She acts as Coordinator for the Program to Advance Training in Child Health Equity (PATH) Fellowship. She was born in Puerto Rico, grew up in New York, and has been working at UMass since 2004 in various positions in Pediatrics. Ms. Powell established and leads the institutional Training Programs Coordinator Advisory Committee.

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Monick Powell, C-TAGME (She/Her)

Fellowship Coordinator

Monick Powell, C-TAGME, is the Pediatric Training Program Coordinator at UMass Chan Medical School and UMass Memorial Children’s Medical Center. She acts as Coordinator for the Program to Advance Training in Child Health Equity (PATH) Fellowship. She was born in Puerto Rico, grew up in New York, and has been working at UMass since 2004 in various positions in Pediatrics. Ms. Powell established and leads the institutional Training Programs Coordinator Advisory Committee.

Larry Rhein, MD, MPH (He/Him)


Larry Rhein, MD, MPH, joined the faculty at UMass Chan Medical School in June 2016. He is an Associate Professor of Pediatrics and Chair of the Department of Pediatrics. Dr. Rhein is board-certified in both pediatric pulmonology and neonatology. He is a health services researcher with a focus on respiratory outcomes of neonatal lung disease and is a national expert on lung disease of prematurity. Dr. Rhein runs a research program focused on optimizing respiratory status in infants with severe lung diseases, particularly infants who are technology- or oxygen-dependent. He has pioneered several protocols for safe outpatient oxygen weaning, which allows infants to be discharged from the neonatal intensive care unit much earlier. Through clinical trials and analysis of physiological data, Dr. Rhein hopes to develop new strategies to prevent and treat neonatal and pediatric lung disease.

Photo of Dr. Larry Rhein, MD, MPH

Larry Rhein, MD, MPH (He/Him)


Larry Rhein, MD, MPH, joined the faculty at UMass Chan Medical School in June 2016. He is an Associate Professor of Pediatrics and Chair of the Department of Pediatrics. Dr. Rhein is board-certified in both pediatric pulmonology and neonatology. He is a health services researcher with a focus on respiratory outcomes of neonatal lung disease and is a national expert on lung disease of prematurity. Dr. Rhein runs a research program focused on optimizing respiratory status in infants with severe lung diseases, particularly infants who are technology- or oxygen-dependent. He has pioneered several protocols for safe outpatient oxygen weaning, which allows infants to be discharged from the neonatal intensive care unit much earlier. Through clinical trials and analysis of physiological data, Dr. Rhein hopes to develop new strategies to prevent and treat neonatal and pediatric lung disease.

Michelle Trivedi, MD, MPH (She/Her)

Child Health Equity Center CORE FACULTY

Michelle Trivedi, MD, MPH, is a pediatric pulmonologist and clinician-scientist who studies sustainable community-based interventions that seek to improve asthma health for children. She is an Associate Professor of Pediatrics and Population Quantitative Health Sciences at UMass Chan Medical School. Dr. Trivedi is Principal Investigator on a National Institutes of Health (NIH)-funded clinical trial of Asthma Link, a clinic-school partnership that delivers school-supervised asthma therapy to children with poorly controlled asthma in 52 schools across Massachusetts. 


With a focus on sustainable, pragmatic interventions, she has developed a novel methodology for stakeholder engagement, grounded in implementation science, that elicits input from children, parents, pediatricians, community and systems-level stakeholders (payors, legislators, and public health officials) in order to adapt evidence-based interventions to real-world settings. The ultimate goal of this methodology and her work is to develop interventions that produce positive public and population health impact, particularly for historically marginalized populations.

Photo of Dr. Michelle Trivedi

Michelle Trivedi, MD, MPH (She/Her)

Child Health Equity Center CORE FACULTY

Michelle Trivedi, MD, MPH, is a pediatric pulmonologist and clinician-scientist who studies sustainable community-based interventions that seek to improve asthma health for children. She is an Associate Professor of Pediatrics and Population Quantitative Health Sciences at UMass Chan Medical School. Dr. Trivedi is Principal Investigator on a National Institutes of Health (NIH)-funded clinical trial of Asthma Link, a clinic-school partnership that delivers school-supervised asthma therapy to children with poorly controlled asthma in 52 schools across Massachusetts. 

With a focus on sustainable, pragmatic interventions, she has developed a novel methodology for stakeholder engagement, grounded in implementation science, that elicits input from children, parents, pediatricians, community and systems-level stakeholders (payors, legislators, and public health officials) in order to adapt evidence-based interventions to real-world settings. The ultimate goal of this methodology and her work is to develop interventions that produce positive public and population health impact, particularly for historically marginalized populations.

Meg Parker, MD, MPH (She/Her)

Child Health Equity Center CORE FACULTY

Meg Parker, MD, MPH, is an Associate Professor of Pediatrics and Chief of the Division of Neonatology at UMass Chan Medical School and UMass Memorial Children’s Medical Center. Dr. Parker is a neonatal health services researcher and holds several federal and foundation grants in the area of social disparities in preterm birth outcomes; she has a particular interest in safe sleep and breastfeeding. 

Dr. Parker is also an expert in multi-site implementation science and is the Co-Chair of the Neonatal Quality Improvement Collaborative of Massachusetts and an Improvement Advisor from the Institute of Healthcare Improvement. She has led multi-site NICU quality improvements focused on breastfeeding and family engagement. Dr. Parker applies a health equity lens to her local and multisite quality improvement projects.

Photo of Dr. Meg Parker

Meg Parker, MD, MPH (She/Her)

Child Health Equity Center CORE FACULTY

Meg Parker, MD, MPH, is an Associate Professor of Pediatrics and Chief of the Division of Neonatology at UMass Chan Medical School and UMass Memorial Children’s Medical Center. Dr. Parker is a neonatal health services researcher and holds several federal and foundation grants in the area of social disparities in preterm birth outcomes; she has a particular interest in safe sleep and breastfeeding. 

Dr. Parker is also an expert in multi-site implementation science and is the Co-Chair of the Neonatal Quality Improvement Collaborative of Massachusetts and an Improvement Advisor from the Institute of Healthcare Improvement. She has led multi-site NICU quality improvements focused on breastfeeding and family engagement. Dr. Parker applies a health equity lens to her local and multisite quality improvement projects.

Heather C. Forkey, MD (She/Her)

Child Health Equity Center CORE FACULTY

Heather C. Forkey, MD, is a Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School, and Vice-Chair of Pediatrics and Director of the Foster Children Evaluation Service (FaCES) of the UMass Memorial Children’s Medical Center. She also serves as the Pediatric Director for Lifeline For Kids at University of Massachusetts Medical School. She received her undergraduate degree from Cornell University and medical degree from the State University of New York at Buffalo School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences. She completed her pediatric residency and chief residency at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. In addition to her clinical work, Dr. Forkey has been the recipient of local and federal grants to address issues of children in foster care and to translate promising practices to address physical and mental health needs of children who have been traumatized. She has published and presents nationally and internationally on the topics, and serves in leadership roles for the National Child Traumatic Stress Network and the Massachusetts Chapter and national American Academy of Pediatrics on issues related to foster care, mental health and child trauma. She coauthored the book Childhood Trauma and Resilience: A Practical Guide, available from AAP Press.
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Heather C. Forkey, MD (She/Her)

Child Health Equity Center CORE FACULTY

Heather C. Forkey, MD, is a Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School, and Vice-Chair of Pediatrics and Director of the Foster Children Evaluation Service (FaCES) of the UMass Memorial Children’s Medical Center. She also serves as the Pediatric Director for Lifeline For Kids at University of Massachusetts Medical School. She received her undergraduate degree from Cornell University and medical degree from the State University of New York at Buffalo School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences. She completed her pediatric residency and chief residency at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. In addition to her clinical work, Dr. Forkey has been the recipient of local and federal grants to address issues of children in foster care and to translate promising practices to address physical and mental health needs of children who have been traumatized. She has published and presents nationally and internationally on the topics, and serves in leadership roles for the National Child Traumatic Stress Network and the Massachusetts Chapter and national American Academy of Pediatrics on issues related to foster care, mental health and child trauma. She coauthored the book Childhood Trauma and Resilience: A Practical Guide, available from AAP Press.

Nisha Fahey, DO, MSc (She/Her)

Child Health Equity Center CORE FACULTY

Nisha Fahey, DO, MSc, is an Assistant Professor at UMass Chan Medical School in the Division of General Pediatrics and a faculty member in the Child Health Equity Center with a focus on global health. Dr. Fahey leads an institutional collaboration with an academic tertiary care center in rural western India focused on research capacity building and community engagement to identify and address barriers to care and health inequities in rural community settings. Through this collaboration, she has led the implementation of several research projects in India; recent projects have focused on maternal-child health and social determinants of health. In addition, she is passionate about exploring how digital technologies can be used to reduce health inequities. Her current research focuses on developing ways to promote the practice of Kangaroo Mother Care among mother-neonate dyads across a variety of settings.

Photo of Dr. Nisha Fahey

Nisha Fahey, DO, MSc (She/Her)

Child Health Equity Center CORE FACULTY

Nisha Fahey, DO, MSc, is an Assistant Professor at UMass Chan Medical School in the Division of General Pediatrics and a faculty member in the Child Health Equity Center with a focus on global health. Dr. Fahey leads an institutional collaboration with an academic tertiary care center in rural western India focused on research capacity building and community engagement to identify and address barriers to care and health inequities in rural community settings. Through this collaboration, she has led the implementation of several research projects in India; recent projects have focused on maternal-child health and social determinants of health. In addition, she is passionate about exploring how digital technologies can be used to reduce health inequities. Her current research focuses on developing ways to promote the practice of Kangaroo Mother Care among mother-neonate dyads across a variety of settings.

Sarabeth Broder-Fingert, MD, MPH (She/Her)

Child Health Equity Center CORE FACULTY

Sarabeth Broder-Fingert, MD, MPH, is a pediatrician and implementation scientist who studies early diagnosis and treatment for autistic children and children with other developmental, behavioral, and/or mental health disorders. She is Vice Chair for Clinical Research in Pediatrics and Associate Director for Research at the Eunice Kennedy Shriver Center at UMass Chan Medical School. Dr. Broder-Fingert is Principal Investigator on multiple National Institutes of Health (NIH)-funded awards focused on testing and/or evaluating the implementation of autism interventions. Dr. Broder-Fingert has published more than 60 peer-reviewed manuscripts and serves as an editor for the Autism and Hospital Pediatrics journals.

Photo of Dr. Sarabeth Broder-Fingert

Sarabeth Broder-Fingert, MD, MPH (She/Her)

Child Health Equity Center CORE FACULTY

Sarabeth Broder-Fingert, MD, MPH, is a pediatrician and implementation scientist who studies early diagnosis and treatment for autistic children and children with other developmental, behavioral, and/or mental health disorders. She is Vice Chair for Clinical Research in Pediatrics and Associate Director for Research at the Eunice Kennedy Shriver Center at UMass Chan Medical School. Dr. Broder-Fingert is Principal Investigator on multiple National Institutes of Health (NIH)-funded awards focused on testing and/or evaluating the implementation of autism interventions. Dr. Broder-Fingert has published more than 60 peer-reviewed manuscripts and serves as an editor for the Autism and Hospital Pediatrics journals.

Alison LeBlanc, MS, PMP (She/Her)

Child Health Equity Center EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR

Alison LeBlanc, MS, PMP, is an experienced development strategist and child health equity advocate with over a decade of experience designing and implementing initiatives to address adverse social determinants of health. Ms. LeBlanc subscribes to the philosophy “nothing about us without us.” To this end, she has extensive experience fostering bidirectional community partnerships and coalition building. She also has a strong track record of building sustainable centers of excellence in safety-net healthcare systems. 

As a disability and chronic disease self-advocate, Ms. LeBlanc has spent years redefining what it means to promote inclusivity and belonging and is dedicated to continually raising the bar for herself and her colleagues. Ms. LeBlanc completed her undergraduate degree at Wesleyan University and completed her master’s in communications at the S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications at Syracuse University.

Headshot of Alison LeBlanc

Alison LeBlanc, MS, PMP (She/Her)

Child Health Equity Center EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR

Alison LeBlanc, MS, PMP, is an experienced development strategist and child health equity advocate with over a decade of experience designing and implementing initiatives to address adverse social determinants of health. Ms. LeBlanc subscribes to the philosophy “nothing about us without us.” To this end, she has extensive experience fostering bidirectional community partnerships and coalition building. She also has a strong track record of building sustainable centers of excellence in safety-net healthcare systems. 

As a disability and chronic disease self-advocate, Ms. LeBlanc has spent years redefining what it means to promote inclusivity and belonging and is dedicated to continually raising the bar for herself and her colleagues. Ms. LeBlanc completed her undergraduate degree at Wesleyan University and completed her master’s in communications at the S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications at Syracuse University.

Arvin Garg, MD, MPH (He/Him)

Child Health Equity Center FOUNDING DIRECTOR

Arvin Garg, MD, MPH, is a general pediatrician and clinician-scientist who studies addressing unmet social needs through family-centered healthcare system-based interventions. He is the Founding Director of the Child Health Equity Center and the Founding Program Director of the Program to Advance Training in Child Health Equity (PATH) Fellowship. He is currently a Tenured Professor of Pediatrics and Vice Chair of Health Equity at UMass Chan Medical School and UMass Memorial Children’s Medical Center. Dr. Garg is also Associate Chief Quality Officer for Health Equity for UMass Memorial Health

Since 2009, Dr. Garg has been continuously funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and has received extramural funding from private foundations. He is Principal Investigator or Co-Investigator on multiple NIH-funded awards focused on testing and/or evaluating the implementation of interventions addressing social needs. He has published over 125 peer-reviewed manuscripts and serves as Associate Editor for the Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics. He was recently the Chair of the Health Care Delivery Committee for the Academic Pediatric Association (APA) and is the President-Elect for the APA.

Photo of Dr. Arvin Garg

Arvin Garg, MD, MPH (He/Him)

Child Health Equity Center FOUNDING DIRECTOR

Arvin Garg, MD, MPH, is a general pediatrician and clinician-scientist who studies addressing unmet social needs through family-centered healthcare system-based interventions. He is the Founding Director of the Child Health Equity Center and the Founding Program Director of the Program to Advance Training in Child Health Equity (PATH) Fellowship. He is currently a Tenured Professor of Pediatrics and Vice Chair of Health Equity at UMass Chan Medical School and UMass Memorial Children’s Medical Center. Dr. Garg is also Associate Chief Quality Officer for Health Equity for UMass Memorial Health

Since 2009, Dr. Garg has been continuously funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and has received extramural funding from private foundations. He is Principal Investigator or Co-Investigator on multiple NIH-funded awards focused on testing and/or evaluating the implementation of interventions addressing social needs. He has published over 125 peer-reviewed manuscripts and serves as Associate Editor for the Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics. He was recently the Chair of the Health Care Delivery Committee for the Academic Pediatric Association (APA) and is the President-Elect for the APA.